Enter Denim Heads, one of the newest members of the Ginew family. Located in the heart of Old Town Prague. Nestled in a building approximately 600 years old, the Denim Heads shop is a truly beautiful destination and home to some of our favorite people in the industry - Stanislav & Jakob.
Walking the narrow, granite cobblestone lined streets - meandering through Old Town past homes and shops up to the Denim Heads horse - feels like a dream. Exhale...

The Denim Heads crew applies this same wonder and charm to their shop, with keen attention paid to each customer guided by their vision to orient their guests toward long-standing quality and style. Make sure to check out the workshops and THE annual (EU-famous) Denim Heads Anniversary Party.
Prague is true gem...and Stanislav ensured our visit was nothing short of spectacular. Visiting the "New" brewery built in 1710 - check. Feasting on pig blood & parts at a "pagan" pig roast - check. Hiking (in the dark) along a river through a forest ONLY to end up at a quaint pub populated only with locals (minus two Natives from the Great Lakes) - check. In Europe? Go to Prague. In Prague? Go to Denim Heads and be greeted with a craft brew and formidable "clink" of cheers from Stanislav & Jakob. Go.
Go and see for yourself - check out their collection and take them up on any local recommendation provided. Be ready for a real adventure and the weekend of your life. You'll love it.